Part 1找到一个理想工作 Mary正在找工作!让我们一起来看看她的求职经历,我们可以从中学到什么。首先,她准备了两件非常重要的事情—一份志在必得的简历,和一份引人注目的自荐信。
Cover Letter自荐信自荐信是你的自我介绍,通常招聘经理们依此来决定他们是否要阅读你的简历。
1 紧锁目标开门见山。直接说明你的来意,和你想申请的职位。
2 精心选材找到理想职位的技能要求是重要的第一步。然后,从你以往的工作经验中寻找到相关的、可以展现这些技能的事例,清晰地把它们写进去。
3 字斟句酌句子尽量写得简短清晰;不要为了卖弄英语而故意写复杂的句子。
4 自我推销让你与众不同的方法是:突出你可以为雇主做什么,而不是雇主能为你做什么。
5 主动追击承诺你会打一个电话来跟进你的申请,并且实践你的诺言。仅仅一个简短的电话,就可以知道你的申请进程,并表现你积极的态度。
6 仔细检查最后,仔细的检查一下,避免拼写和语法错误,并且防止篇幅过长。然后再读一遍,问问自己你会雇佣自己吗?如果答案是否,继续修改你的自荐信直到完美为止! 5 Mary的自荐信 Mary Lee 1234 Any Street, Hometown Tel: 0123 4567 89 Email: 18th January 2008 Mr. Recrui ter Hiring Manager USP Company Hometown XX1234
Dear Mr Recruiter When I read your advertisement for a Senior Project Manager at USP Company, I couldn’t helpnoticing how closely your requirements align with my experience and skills. My enclosed CV provides a good overview of my strengths and achievements, but I list below someof your specific requirements and my applicable skills and achievements.
Your Requirements: Business development skills. My skills and achievements: As Account Executive at Creative Marketing Ltd, Iexceeded my annual sales target and increased myclient base by 70% in the last year.
Ability to build and sustain effective client relationships. My customer retention rate was 100%. Ability to motivate and ensure continuous personal development of subordinates. Some of my new clients were developed followingrecommendations from existing clients to their businessassociates.
Communication and negotiation skills. During the maternity leave of my line manager, I wasgiven the opportunity to manage the team. Irecommended and implemented some new policies(such as 360 degree feedback as part of the annualappraisal process). I received a special bonus award formy efforts during this period. Experience of giving presentations and negotiating tosecure business with newclients.
I developed a real passion for understanding consumer needs during my two and a half years atCreative Marketing Ltd. Innovative strategies and proposals that differentiated our clients’ productsin the marketplace ensured strong customer satisfaction with our service offering. I would welcome the opportunity to further develop my skills in USP Company, which is a marketleader in the sector and renowned for its innovative marketing approach. I will follow up with you in a week’s time to answer any preliminary questions you may have. In themeantime, you are able to contact me on 0123 4567 89. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely, Mary Lee
Enc: CV
注解: 1. 在信中留下你的联系方式,包括姓名、地址、联系电话和电邮地址。这将帮助招聘者很快得知你是谁,并且知道如何与你保持联络。 2. 自荐信要写给在招聘广告中提及的相关负责人 3. 根据他们的要求来选择你要写的技能,加上例子。 4. 推销你自己。不妨稍稍夸大。 5. 积极主动,跟进你的申请。 6. “Enc: CV” 是“Enclosed: Curriculum Vitae”的缩写,意思是说简历也被附在自荐信中 Resume简历记住:简历是你的资质和经验的简要证明。这个工作或许真的非你莫属,但你的简历得看上去也让人觉得是这样才行。
1 审阅你的历史首先,列出把你先前的工作和教育资历,包括公司信息、证书、学位、你的工作职位和职责,以及一些特殊的成就。
2 陈述你的目标在你的简历的开头列出"Objective"一栏,然后写一个简短的陈述,例如:"To work in adynamic marketing department."
3 “Duties or accomplishments”? “Duty” 指的是委派的任务,“accomplishment”指的则是成就- 你努力而来的积极结果。适当地夸大!列举具体的成就。
4 调整你的语法简历的写作规范允许精简的句子结构。省略主语(e.g. “I”, “my manager”), 物主代词(“my/mine, “his/hers”)。有时甚至冠词(“the”, “a”)。如果你在一个句子中列举超过一项成就,你可以用分号来代替"and"。例如:"I led an important project and mymanager gave me an award" 可以写成"Led key project; awarded by manager." Mary的简历 MARY LEE
PROFILE: An Account Executive with proven ability in attracting and retaining blue-chip clients.Demonstratesa real passion for understanding client needs and developing innovative marketing solutions. Versatile, hard-working and always willing to take on additional roles and responsibilities.Excellentnegotiation and creative problem-solving skills.
OBJECTIVE: To make significant and tangible contributions to the effectiveness of a leading innovative marketingcompany.To use and further develop people management skills in a supervisory or co-ordinationrole.
MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: • Significantly exceeded sales targets every year. Increased client base by 70% in the last year. • Successful retention of all existing clients. • During maternity leave of line manager, took over the responsibility for managing and motivatingthe team. Recommended and implemented new policies (e.g. 360 degree feedback as part ofthe annual appraisal process). Received special bonus award for achievement in this period. • Provided training for the team on effective presentation and negotiation skills. This resulted inincrease of 50% over 3 months in the con rate of leads to contracts.
CAREER HISTORY: Account Executive, Creative Marketing Ltd, November 2003- present • Consult with clients on their marketing strategies and objectives. • Develop creative, innovative marketing programs and solutions to meet those needs. • Ensure client satisfaction and retention. • Develop new business.
Marketing Assistant, Creative Marketing Ltd, August 2003 – October 2003 • Support account executives by preparing presentation materials for clients. • Develop ideas for marketing campaigns.
QUALIFICATIONS / EDUCATION: 1993.09-1999.06 Shanghai No.2 High School 1999.09-2003.06 Fudan University (Bachelor Degree) Majored in International Economics and Trade
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: English Proficiency: Passed Test for English Major Band-8 in 2005.03, Band-4 in 2003.05. Also gotexcellent scores in Campus English Test Band-6 in 2003.05 Scholarship of the first degree for 3 times; Scholarship of the second degree for 3 times on campusAll-round Good Student of Fudan University Part 2面试 Mary志在必得的简历和精彩的自荐信帮助她赢得了面试机会。她专业化的着装,和事先对该公司所做的研究至关重要,不过同样关键的是,她出色地回答了面试官的所有问题!你知道怎样最好地回答那些最常见的面试问题吗?
1 事先准备可能被问到的问题逐个写下你认为可能会被问到的问题,并思考你将如何作答。
2 了解自己的优势—准备具体事例!如果你说自己是个很善于解决难题的人,用一个你在工作中克服困难的实际事例来证明这点!
3 列举一个你已经克服的弱点找一些你曾经觉得棘手,但目前已经解决的问题,例如你过去没有条理,但是现在已经学会了区分事件的优先级。
4 不要让自己为工资局限可以给出工资范围,但不要匆匆勉强接受一个配不上你资质的价格。 Mary的面试 Interviewer: Why don’t you start by telling me aboutyourself? 面试官:何不先来介绍下你自己?
Mary: I’ve got five years of experience in the industry. I’mcurrently an Account Executive for several major clients inmy company. Mary:我在这个行业已经有五年经验。目前我是我公司的几个大客户的账户主管。
Interviewer: Good. What would you say is your greateststrength? 面试官:好。你认为自己最大的优势是什么?
Mary: I handle change well. I was asked to be the team’sleader when my line manager was on maternity leave. Ireally enjoyed the challenge of this additional responsibility.I was able to discover how to get the best from theindividual members of the team. It also gave me the opportunity to propose and implement changes in theannual appraisal policies for the group. Now we use theprocess of 360 degree feedback in our appraisal systemand the team members feel this makes the process muchmore objective. Mary:我很容易适应变化。当我的直线经理休产假的时候,我被指派代理她来管理团队。我非常享受这一额外职责带来的挑战。我可以发掘怎样可以更好的发挥团队中的每个人。这同样也给了我机遇:为公司的年度考评机制提出建议并执行。现在我们的考评系统使用360度的反馈,我们的团队成员都感觉这一变化使业绩考评更为客观。
Interviewer: And what would you say is your greatestweakness? 面试官:那你认为自己最大的弱势又是什么呢?
Mary: I’ve had trouble planning in the past, but I’ve put alot of effort to work on this. I now prioritise all my tasksand plan everything ahead. Mary:我过去不善于做计划,不过我已经努力改善,现在我会将我的工作排列优先级,并事先作出计划。
Interviewer: What would your co-workers say about you? 面试官:你的同事们会如何评价你?
Mary: One of my team mates once mentioned that I wasthe most hardworking person he knows. My othercolleagues have also told me that I’m an excellent sourceof feedback and ideas. Mary:一个同事曾经提到,我是他见过的最努力工作的人。另一个同事也说过,我总能给出很好的反馈和意见。
Interviewer: What would you say motivates you? 面试官:你认为什么可以激励你?
Mary: I’ve always been a conscientious person and I striveto do the very best no matter what position I’m in. Ofcourse, I’d appreciate some recognition from my superiorsfrom time to time! Mary:我为人自觉认真,从事什么工作都全力以赴。当然,我也希望不时得到来自我上司的认可。
Interviewer: Okay, thanks for coming in. We’ll be in touch. 面试官:好的,感谢你今天过来。我们保持联系。准备好了吗?马上测试你的面试英语能力: Part 3薪资争取 Mary给她的招聘经理留下了深刻印象,并且如愿收到了offer!听一听她是怎样谈判的,来争取一个与她的技能与资历相当的薪资待遇。
谈判薪资的关键技巧 1 调查行业的薪资水准做一点小小的市场调查,以了解你可以设置怎样的预期。 2 因为你值这个价!如果你想要的比他们开出的价钱高,一定要找出有力的证据来说明为什么你值这个价。 3 灵活一点—或许你能得到更好的福利他们可能并不认为你要价过高,只是他们的预算不允许给到你要求的数目。如果他们能给你免费的健身卡或额外的假期,你也不妨考虑接受。 Part 4阅读合同 Mary成功争取到了合适的薪资,正准备面见招聘经理签署雇佣合同。即使是英语母语者,合同的阅读也不容易。不过,理解一些关键的词组和语句就大有帮助!
1 慢慢来你理解你将要签署的内容,这是非常重要的,所以你需要多久就多久。
2 有疑问,尽管说出来如果就某一点你需要进一步的解释,请提出来。即使是英语母语者,面对法律文件有时也需要帮助。
3 如果不理解,千万不要签在你没有完全理解那些术语之前,永远不要签上你的大名。如果你仍然有疑问,不妨去咨询一下法律顾问。
4 永远不要同意不能被准确考核的业绩要求你肯定不愿意因为业绩不佳而被炒鱿鱼。在你的合同里寻找清晰地衡量业绩标准,并要求资方解释模糊的地方。
你需要知道的关键术语 “Party” Contracts almost always refer to Party A andParty B. Party means the person or personsforming one side of an agreement. Who is PartyA and who is Party B is made clear at thebeginning of the contract. 合同中通常都针对Party A(甲方)和Party B(乙方). Party 指的是代表了一方意见的一人或多人。Party A 和Party B指的都是谁,在合同的开始都有明确说明。
“Article / clause” An article or a clause is a particular statement orpoint in the contract. People will often refer tothem when discussing a contract. For example:Article 4.2 states clearly that you have no rightto publish that material. 一个article 或clause指的是合同中某一具体要点或陈述。人们经常使用这两个词来谈论合同。例如:Article 4.2 states clearly that you have noright to publish that material.(第4.2 条清楚地说明了你没有权利公开此材料)
“Stipulate” This is a verb that means to specify an essentialcondition. For example: Clause 8.1 stipulates thatmy client has the right to use the land as hewishes. 这个动词的意思是具体说明某种必须条件。例如:Clause 8.1 stipulates that my client has theright to use the land as he wishes. (第8.1条规定了我的客户有权任意使用该土地)
“Condition” A condition means anything that is necessarybefore the performance of something else. Forexample: You can buy the property on thecondition that the money is paid in advance. 一个Condition 指的是促使另一件事成立的必要条件。例如:You can buy the property on thecondition that the money is paid in advance.(你可以在预先支付费用的前提下,购买该物业)
“Legally binding” If a contract is legally binding you must obey therules of the contract or you can be taken tocourt. 如果一份合同是legally binding(具法律效力的),你就必须遵守合同规定,否则你可能会上法庭。
“Null and void” If a contract is null and void the contract has nolegal authority. It is therefore useless. 如果一份合同是null and void(无效的),说明它不具法律效力,因此是无用的。如果别人指责你breach of contract(违反合同),此人是在声称你破坏了协定,这意味着他可以送你上法庭。
“Breach of contract” If you are accused of breach of contract, a personis claiming you have broken your agreement. Thismeans he/she can take you to court. 如果别人指责你breach of contract(违反合同),此人是在声称你破坏了协定,这意味着他可以送你上法庭。